
The LetMeSpeak economy is designed to boost people's motivation and learning results.

A Web2 language learning economy typically works in the following way:

  • Value flows one way. You exchange money for a learning experience.

  • You don't have any control over the economy, company directors and shareholders do.

  • You do not enter into economic relationships with other system participants.

The LetMeSpeak Web3 economy works very differently:

  • Values flow both ways. From you to the ecosystem and from the ecosystem to you.

  • You can influence governance of the ecosystem.

  • You enter into economic relationships with other ecosystem participants.

Results of the LetMeSpeak economy on motivating people to learn speak for themselves. 60% of Learn & Earn users keep learning 30 days after starting. In comparison with 14% for Pay Upfront Web2 users.

Let's now look in detail at our vision for the LetMeSpeak economy.

Last updated